The Accessibility of Nottingham in the UK, Accessibility for Noobs, the US Bureau of Reclamation, and Access2Digital of UK have featured the quote of PWAG President’ Remberto Esposa Jr in their previous posts.
“I’m not sure how they got my quote. But I have a hunch that they were searching for popular “access to the web” or “web accessibility” quotes from the collection which I posted on the Philippine Web Accessibility Group Official Website.”, explains Esposa from his official blog site. Although PWAG has been inactive ever since the Philippine government adopted the Web Content Accessibility Guideline 2.0 in 2017, the site is still maintained as a repository of resources on web accessibility.
Here are the screenshots of their web and tweet posts including the live links:
Esposa ended his blog post by thanking the site owners. “The quote dates may be old, but all of this is new information to me. So again, to the respective owners of the websites, thank you very very much! Cheers!!!”, was his message to them.