Award Recognizing Accessible Websites launched
What better way to announce the new award name than to actually give the award itself. Thus, the “Award Recognizing Accessible Websites” or simply called ARAW Awards were given to top-level government agencies that complied with the minimum web accessibility recommended standards last July 17 coinciding with the nationwide celebration of 34th National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week held at […]
July 19, 2012
IFES Hosts Web Access Workshop for COMELEC
PWAG President Jojo Esposa explains about the benefits of accessible websites. Philippine Web Accessibility Group (PWAG), NCDA’s online advocacy group on web accessibility, represented by its President and MCCID Institute of Technology Training Director Mr. Jojo Esposa, as Resource Person, shares hands-on techniques to make websites accessible to persons with disabilities . Participants listen attentively to the lecture. IFES Representative […]
July 17, 2012
Sir Leo guests at ICT Job Fair for PWDs
Guess what? No less than web accessibility guru, the person who started it all, Mr. Leo Valdes, graced the first Information and Communications Technology Jobs Fair for Persons with Disabilities and Skills Demonstration last June 14 at SM City North EDSA in Quezon City. Ma’am Nelia De Jesus of the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) personally invited Sir Leo, […]
July 16, 2012
Comelec Website Accessibility Recognized
No less than Commissioner Rene Sarmiento of Commission on Elections (COMELEC) congratulated their web development team by holding a formal launching of their official website last August 15 at COMELEC Session Hall in Intramuros, Manila. Commissioner Sarmiento advocated for voting rights of Persons With Disabilities. He emphasized on the need to make registration and election information accessible to everyone, including […]
Privacy Policies Here at Philippine Web Accessibility Group Website or “PWAG”, we are committed to safeguarding your privacy. This Policies (“Policy”) describes the personally identifiable information we gather about you, what we do with it, and the safeguards we have in place to protect it. Before you submit any information to this website, please read this Policy for an explanation […]
July 15, 2012
PWAG to assist in forming government web template
A member of DOST-ASTI team demonstrates sample web template. The Philippine Web Accessibility Group promised to assist the government in coming up of a unified web template which would have a common look-and-feel features and complies with existing memorandum circulars and directives. In a seminar called for by Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI) and National Computer Center-Information and Communications […]
Download Presentation Files Here
The presentation files used during web accessibility workshops/seminars conducted by PWAG President Jojo Esposa can now be freely downloaded in this official website. Here are the links: What is Web Accessibility? – All about Information and Communications Technology related issues of Persons With Disabilities Skip to Content – Technical explanation on how to make a “Skip to Content” link How […]
July 10, 2012
PWAG seeks development assistance
Mr. Hiroshi Kawamura of ODA The Philippine Web Accessibility Group requested the Official Development Assistance (ODA) of Japan to allocate funds for the monitoring and evaluation of accessibility compliance of key government websites during a consultation and orientation forum held last November 7, 2012 at UPAA Bahay ng Alumni, Diliman, Quezon City. PWAG President Jojo Esposa Jr. introduces the organization […]
July 8, 2012