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Collection of Web Accessibility Quotes – Gathered by Jojo Esposa

I have collected some quotable quotes about web accessibility from various international groups and gurus. I submitted this to but this autocratic “polster” deleted it because according to her, “It was very worthy but scarcely counts as a set of notable quotations.” (sigh)

The most important blind visitor to your website is Google! In the same way that creating accessible web pages helps disabled person access your content, it also helps Google index your pages so that the right people can find your service or product.

The term accessibility can be understood to mean accommodating characteristics a person cannot change.

The single most important thing to understand is that people use web sites in very different ways. This doesn’t just mean disabled people using special equipment but everyone – regardless of whether you might think of them as having a “special need”.

We want to showcase and provide awards-recognition for certain websites β€” and the developers and designers who make them β€” which shatter the misconception that accessible web sites are boring and basic.

Web Accessibility is not only for people with disabilities but for all of us who are thankful that there are no barriers in using our abilities.

Accessibility is the degree to which anyone can access and use a website using any web browsing technology.

The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.

TIM BERNERS-LEE, Creator of World Wide Web

It’s not just about disabled users being able to access your website β€” it’s about everyone being able to access your website.

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